Our Board

Board Structure 2024

Board Contact: chair@riverschool.com.au

Governance Structure

Global Network of Neohumanist Schools

Board Members

Michael Towsey

Michael Towsey

Board Chair

Michael Towsey graduated with a BScHons in biology from Auckland University in 1970. In 1988, he obtained a Diploma of Education from University of Queensland, which was followed by two years of teaching science at Nambour High School. He completed a PhD in Computer Science from University of Queensland in 1998, and has held research positions at Queensland University of Technology since 1997.

The common thread in his research career has been to apply artificial intelligence techniques to solve biological problems. These have ranged from the sublime (analysis of bird song) to the ridiculous (analysis of milk yield in cow herds)!

Michael joined The River School Board in 2014. Most of his work for the school involves ensuring that the school meets its regulatory and reporting obligations to Government bodies. It is just a small part of the huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that our teachers get to make their magic in the classroom.

Marcus Bussey

Marcus Bussey

Board Member

Dr Marcus Bussey is a futurist, historian and educator with a keen interest in intercultural encounters. He publishes widely and has co-authored Futures Thinking for Social Foresight with Richard Slaughter (2005) and co-edited Neohumanist Educational Futures (2006) with Sohail Inayatullah and Ivana Milojević. In addition, he has co-edited (2020) Phenomenologies of Grace: the Body, Embodiment, and Transformative Futures with Camila Mozzini-Alister and in 2019 Dynamics of Dissent: Theorizing Movements for Inclusive Futures with John Clammer, Meera Chakravorty and Tanmayee Banerjee. Marcus’ latest publication is a co-edited volume of diverse, multilingual poetry entitled: Beyond Alienation, Hatred and Terror: Compatriots with Love and Living-Kind (Authors Press 2022). His own book of poetry The Next Big Thing! appeared in 2019. He and fellow editors Meera Chakravorty and Camilla Mozzini-Alister have a new edited volume of essays out now through Routledge entitled: Transitional Selves: Possibilities for Identity in a Plurified World.

Further information can be found at: Marcus Bussey

Kimberly Camrass

Kimberly Camrass

Board Member

Kimberly Camrass is the Sustainability Manager at Griffith University and is also completing a PhD in regenerative sustainability and futures studies at the University of the Sunshine Coast. She holds a Master of Environment (Education for Sustainability) and has significant experience in the governance of organisations across the not-for-profit, private and government sectors. Previously a primary school teacher, Kimberly has a particular passion for inspiring learners of all ages to connect with and care for the natural world. She is also a yoga teacher and a strong believer in the many benefits of this practice for young people.
Camila Mozzini-Alister

Camila Mozzini-Alister

Board Member

Camila is a Writer, PhD Researcher and Social Media Educator based on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Her background is a double PhD in Communication (UERJ-Brazil) and Arts: Production and Investigation (UPV-Spain), with a Research Master’s in Social & Institutional Psychology (UFRGS-Brazil) and a Bachelor (Honours) in Communication – Journalism (UFRGS-Brazil). She is currently working as a Sociology Lecturer and Tutor at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), Australia. She has also worked as an Art Educator at both Iberê Camargo and the Mercosul Biennial Foundations, and a Social Educator at La Salle Foundation.

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Board Member

Daniel Smith is an experienced educator who has been working as a teacher for over thirty years and as a small school Principal for twenty years. Daniel is currently the Principal at Cooran State School in the Sunshine Coast hinterland where he has been for the past five years. Daniel has a deep knowledge of yoga practice and philosophy studying under a number of systems in both India and Australia over more than twenty tears. This understanding has led him to the River school and our neo humanist philosophy.

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There are always so many exciting and enriching events and activities happening at The River School. Take a look at some of the latest news from around school and beyond...

Contact Information

The River School
251 Bridge Creek Road  (PO Box 411)  Maleny QLD 4552
Primary School: (07) 5494 3559

Early Childhood: (07) 5499 9359


Latest school events

There are always so many exciting and enriching events and activities happening at The River School. Take a look at some of the latest news from around school and beyond...

Contact Information

The River School
251 Bridge Creek Road  (PO Box 411)  Maleny QLD 4552
Primary School: (07) 5494 3559
Early Childhood Centre: (07) 5499 9359