The School Day
The River School day begins at 8:45am and ends at 2:45pm with each day providing opportunities to discover something new and enriching. Supervision is available on the School Oval from 8:15am to 8:30am, when students can then move up to their individual classrooms.
All visitors to The River School (including parents) must sign into the Visitor Book while on school grounds. This is kept just outside the school office. This is a safety requirement to ensure all of our visitors and students remain safe while on school grounds. The only exception to this requirement is for brief drop off and pick ups.
Information on our school tuckshop and bus service can be found on this page. Our school tuckshop operates every Tuesday and Thursday of each term and orders must be received via the FlexiSchools app or website by no later than 8:30am, each tuckshop day.
Our school bus schedule is available free of charge to enrolled students. Please contact the office on (07) 5494 3559 or email pira@riverschool.com.au if you would like to book your child onto one of our bus runs.

The River School provides delicious, vegetarian, food at its tuckshop and parents are asked to provide only vegetarian food in school lunches. Why? The evidence for the benefits of a balanced vegetarian diet is now overwhelming. A particularly important study was a joint 20-year project of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University and the University of Oxford. 38 Researchers measured mortality rates from cancer and other chronic diseases in 100 people in each of 65 Chinese counties. They found that counties with a high consumption of animal-based foods were more likely to have higher death rates from ‘Western’ diseases than counties that ate more plant foods.

Most people, when they consider eating habits, are concerned only for their physical health. However, the Ayurveda tradition (a system of traditional Indian medicine) also promotes eating for mental health.
Ayurveda places foods into three categories, sentient, mutative and static. Sentient foods are good for the body and calming for the mind. A sentient diet consists of a balance of fruit, vegetables, grains and pulses. Mutative foods may or may not be good for the body but make the mind restless (examples: coffee, tea and carbonated soft drinks). Static foods are bad for the body and mind (examples: meats and alcoholic drinks). It is well established that foods high in sugar, colourings and preservatives, make it difficult for children to concentrate. Hence, Neohumanist schools encourage children to eat sentient foods.

Our School Community
The River School prides itself on its’ loving & supportive school community. We consider ourselves one, big family. We hold many community activities over the year which allow our students and families to interact and foster deep relationships. We would love to see you at one of our many events.

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There are always so many exciting and enriching events and activities happening at The River School. Take a look at some of the latest news from around school and beyond...